Monthly Archives: December 2020

December 2020 – Steamed Ribs

The next stage of the restoration is to replace all the ribs, as the existing frames are in poor shape, both from being over 100 years old, and nearly 40 years in an Altona backyard.

The originals were hardwood, with a guess being spotted gum or similar. They are laminated in pairs, with about 50 on each side. Replacement will involve 200 ribs to be steamed, and bent into shape. Some will be simple, with some short relatively straight sections that will present limited issues. Others have compound bends, with some tight bends into the lower bilge.

This part of the program will be done in three phases, with every third rib taken out, replaced and temporarily fastened. Then the next third, and so on. Once all the ribs are replaced, we will work on taking the planks off one at a time, for cleaning and repairing where required. Hopefully I can start to make more of a personal contribution at this point.

Showing old and new ribs together. New timber is similar thickness, but slightly wider, which should aid alternate placing of fasteners, and minimise splitting down the grain over time. Stringer can be seen at the bottom, which remains in sound condition. Splitting can be seen in the planking here, and these will be carefully checked when removed in the next major phase.

New rib in centre of photo. Also shows a keelson, which I learnt recently is not a common feature on smaller timber boats – more of a larger boat feature. Can also see several of the timber floors, which are in okay condition for the most part.

Keel bolts visible here also appear to be in good condition, and are likely the ones believed to have replaced the originals, during the 1950’s. This part of Wyruna was nearly six inches deep in leaf litter, rotten timber etc, and we are lucky not further damage was done to some of these timbers.

The visible chain is part of the tensioning system to put the shape back into the vessel, and is connected to the framing, to fix it in place.

View forward, showing several new ribs, original floors, keelson, and apron in the distance. Some of the lower planks are not kauri, and can be seen in the bottom of the picture here. Note the garboard plank is out to enable rib replacement, and cleaning. Condition of the stringers also clear here, which once cleaned up will be good for reuse.

Strap in this shot is fastened to the new stem.

Again, accumulated debris in this area of the boat was quite deep – and it is lucky that some of these timbers were not more badly damaged.

External view of new and old ribs, near the bow. Multiple small holes seen here are likely nail holes for the original copper sheathing, long since removed. I recently discovered these will all need to be wood/dowel filled prior to finishing the hull, which will provide a distraction from life for some time. There are many hundreds, down each side of Wyruna!

Planking does clean up quite well, but does show its age in some of these pictures.

On the right, green spotted gum as delivered. On the left, after machining to size, ready for steaming. Once to this point, it is sorted for grain direction etc, depending on where on Wyruna it might work best. The timber is reportedly going in quite well, with limited breakage at tight bends and is wonderfully strong once fastened. Hopefully we can get another 100 years out of this set!

November 2020 – Progress!

This year has seemed to slip by, with Victoria in various forms of lockdown for most of the middle of the year. This has also made work distracting, and time limited.

Happily, Ferdi and his team were deemed essential to the ongoing maintenance of Pt Phillips’ maritime sector, and in particular to its fishing vessels, and so was able to continue on.

So we have some good progress to report.

With the stem and apron replaced with a sturdy new laminated items, there is some additional good progress on the transom, and what Ferdi is calling two ‘fashion pieces’. These connect to the transom with some large knees, and serve to fasten several planks. Like the transom, they are large solid pieces of kauri pine, that have retained most of their structural integrity. There has been a need to repair some areas of damage, as this area of the boat was grown over with a large apple tree, with a large accumulation of leaves (and apples!) over what looks like a decade or more. The knees were completely rotted away, while the kauri survived better. Most of the kauri planking remains sound also, with some damage. The transom will be deepened to provide options for plank fastening, and hopefully less plank restoration.

Repaired transom can be seen above lying upside down on scaffold boards, on the aft of Wyruna. Quite a large piece of kauri, that would have been difficult to source I suspect, if full replacement was required. The repair timber was luckily left from the restoration of Ferdi’s own boat, Ruthean.

This photo is a little blurry (screen shot from a video) but shows several points. Transom is out, along with the side pieces (fashion pieces), but also shows better the frame constructed around Wyruna. This provides a work platform, but is primarily for keeping the hull shape, through a series of internal braces, with an horizon to work to. Probably the subject to a longer post.

Starboard fashion piece, showing the nibs for the plank ends. Some repair to this one, but otherwise in good shape. Less apple tree over this side of Wyruna.

Port fashion piece, again showing nibs for the planks. This side had more apple tree ‘cover’, and had some resultant rot, seen as a repair of new timber to the top side.

View of the port side looking forward, showing where the plank ends are staggered to fit into the fashion piece. Also shows the rear of the bracing system, against the stringer here at the stern. At this point, few of the ribs removed, although that is the next step and is well underway at the time of posting.